title: "Blog Title"
author: "Blog Author"
description: "My personal blog about ... something"
permalink: /:title/
lang: "en"
excerpt_separator: "\n\n\n"
date_format: "%B %d, %Y"
# Layout
show_excerpts: true # show article excerpts on the home page
show_frame: true # adds a gray frame to the site
show_sidebar: false # show a sidebar instead of the usual header
# Menu
navigation: # accepts {file, title, url, icon, sidebaricon}
- {file: "index.html", title: "Home", sidebaricon: "home"}
- {file: "README.md", title: "Me :)", sidebaricon: "info"}
external: # shows a footer with social links - for available icons see fontawesome.com/icons
- {title: Mail, icon: envelope, url: "mailto:niklasbuschmann@users.noreply.github.com"}
- {title: Github, icon: github, url: "https://github.com/niklasbuschmann/contrast"}
- {title: Subscribe, icon: rss, url: "/feed.xml"}
# disqus_shortname: "" # see https://disqus.com/
# isso_domain: "" # see https://posativ.org/isso/
- jekyll-feed